Thursday, April 30, 2020

Jean Little RiP and Knitting


I've been doing a lot of this...

Mini-projects, so I get the satisfaction of seeing something completed!

A hackey sack I made for use in a homeschooling assignment!

Hat 1...

All the scrap wool left in the house...

Lots of baking going on, too...

A new-to-me pattern!

Also trying to advance my crochet skills a little...

My first-ever square!

Hat 3

Hat 4

All six hats!

Hat 7. On I go...

The incomparable Jean Little has passed away.

This was the moment I found out

I've blogged about Jean Little and her books often in passing. She and her stories have meant so much to me over the years. Currently, I'm very excited to be reading the Ramona Quimby and Mary Poppins books with my daughter (my nth rereads and her first time!). I really can't wait till she's old enough to read Jean Little, though.

A to Z Challenge 2012 Favourite Books
Fifteen books that always stick with me

Middle Grade and Young Adult Scavenger Hunt

Books I love that no one else has read

Canadian book challenge part 1
Canadian book challenge part 2
Dear Canada

Favourite childhood authors
Favourite childhood books

Characters I'd like to be friends with
Literary BFFs

Fictional feasts

Authors who've influenced me

Middle grade contest
Writing young adult fiction
Writing stories

As for my ROW80 goals, I've managed to input all the edited files of Captive of the Sea into Scrivener, and I'm very slowly moving ahead on clearing up the square brackets and necessary research.

But! I've started my last class for my MSc! It's hard to believe I only have one 10-week course to go, if all goes well. Wish me luck!

What kinds of mini-projects are you working on?

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Knitting in the Wild

Knitting in the wild!

I haven't had one of these Knitting in the Wild posts in quite a long time. (This is cross-posted from my writing blog!)

This one is a continuation of our trip to the Canada and impressionism exhibit in Lausanne.

Knitting by H Mabel May

My little shadow

Have you seen any crafts in the wild recently?