I've already shared a bit of this trip, in my review of the stage performance of Tolkien's Leaf by Niggle. But here are a few other photos!
Starting in the village of Culross, where some scenes set in Cranesmuir in the Outlander world were filmed:
Culross Abbey and the view from the Abbey
Geddes House, a former schoolhouse turned into residences
The graveyard by the Abbey, directly beside Geddes House
I wonder what "3 Lairs" means?
Culross Palace and gardens, used as the Castle Leoch kitchen garden in Outlander!
The Lockit Well of St Serf, a spring used by the monk and his followers 1,500 years ago
The Tron, a replica of an ancient weighing stone
View over the Firth of Forth
Mercat Cross, Culross, and Mercat Cross, Dunfermline,
marking the fact that both towns had a traditional right granted by a monarch or bishop to hold a regular market or fair
Outlander exhibition, the Lallybroch Cafe (and Jamie!) and a Dumpy Hen
Andrew Carnegie's birthplace in Dunfermline
Church and wedding in Dunfermline
Winterthur Lane!
I looked it up. Apparently there was a Swiss company called Winterthur Silks at one time in Dunfermline
Dunfermline train station, view from the rail bridge, and the castle through the rain...
View from Edinburgh hotel on a rainy morning...
Edinburgh in the evening
Diagon House!
More views of Edinburgh in the evening, including Murrayfield rugby grounds outside the city
National Gallery, and Fringe Festival scenes
View from Edinburgh hotel on a clear night...
I'm going to post a longer ROW80 check in today -- what Diana Gabaldon, in reference to compiling what she knows of a story so far, calls a state of the wicket -- with only 16 days left to go in this round.
Here were my goals for August as shared on the writers forum, and how I fared on accomplishing them:
Finish entering the edits for The Charm of Time: I came close. Only about 8 scenes left to go, but it's all the climax at the end, which needs a massive overhaul.
Post the draft synopsis here for feedback: Ongoing!
Get cracking on the Swiss and Scots dialect usage: A friend of mine came up with gold! He was the only one that understood exactly what I needed, reading a few chapters and tweaking Scots word choice here and there. Now I just need to match that in the rest of the book, and to find someone to do the same for the French and Swiss phrases...
Compile all the bits I need to submit Druid's Moon to a small publisher: I have to edit these bits, not least the marketing plan they want as part of the query letter.
Follow up with Carina Press on the retitled short story: Ongoing! I haven't received edits yet...
Edit the new short story, possibly for Surrey: On backburner for now.
Keep up with blogging: Blogging and commenting too! I'm all caught up!
Knitting: I started the first of the two new projects. An excuse to buy new wool!
Now, in September, my revised goals look like this:
Finish the latest round of edits on The Charm of Time. That still leaves most of the Scots and Swiss bits I've flagged, plus a couple of minor character arc things. All ready for the next reread. I've left the synopsis and query letter alone for now. I'd like to reread the book, re-enter the next edits, then finally send it to betas before I do anything more. (That leaves the new short story and Druid's Moon hanging about. Especially because my mind is busy with ideas for a sequel for The Charm of Time. Some sort of blend of romance and mystery. I love mysteries but have never tried my hand at a novel-length one. We shall see, probably come NaNoWriMo time.)
As of this morning, I'm done! On entering edits, at any rate. I still have to add some text to a couple of scenes, edit the climax and write the sweet epilogue, before I print it all and edit it again.
Also: Keep up with blogging. Keep knitting (I've only got a few hours of work left to do to finish the latest baby blanket!). Prepare for sudden unannounced houseguests coming in two weeks' time. But mostly -- back to school! First year of my Master's degree courses start next Monday!
That seems to tie in well with today's Insecure Writer's Support Group Day question:
Have you ever surprised yourself with your writing? For example, by trying a new genre you didn't think you'd be comfortable in?
Going back to school after so many years, to the world of essays and exams, is definitely going to be a style of writing I haven't done in a long time.
Even more insecurity -- I've received the official edits for the story I'd submitted to Carina Press. I've got to drop everything and work on them over the next few days. Send me virtual energy and inspiration and a flaming sword of a pen to banish fears of inadequacy as I rewrite!
Thank you to this month's IWSG Day co-hosts:
Have you changed any of your goals recently?
Have you worked on something difficult? How did you build up your confidence?
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