Friday, April 30, 2021

Hodge Podge No. 11: ROW80, RiP, Decorah Eagles, Pandemic Calendar, Pearls Before Swine


appy blogging to all of you doing the Blogging from A to Z Challenge!

I think this is Hodge Podge No. 11.

I collated the previous 10 hodge podge posts, and I'm pretty sure I haven't posted any others since.

Round 2 of A Round of Words in 80 Days started on 6 April! My main goal this round is to do CampNaNo -- and to keep writing (or editing) afterwards)! I may also try submitting Druid's Moon somewhere once again...

The Decorah eagles webcams are back on the Raptor Resource page!

RIP Jack Whyte
RIP Lawrence Ferlinghetti
and RIP Beverly Cleary

I first found out through the Editors' Association of Earth group.

Here is something I shared last spring on a group page a friend started on the pandemic:

I'm not very good about keeping a coherent narrative together, but I felt very blessed by something that happened this weekend. This us how I shared it on author Beverly Cleary's wall: Thinking of the importance of art and telling stories, especially as one of my concerns during lockdown (while working from home with a 5 and a half-year-old and a 17-month-old) was not having enough reading time for myself and, suddenly (I can't remember what led me to bring them up), my daughter and I are reading the Ramona books! I read some of it out loud and she skips ahead and reads more in bed. And I get to reread them for the umpteenth time, which is exactly the comfort reading I needed at this time.

Amanda Palmer recently posted a calendar called Did This Year Actually Happen?

I was inspired to create my own! Some of them are good things!

And a comic that describes my life, if I could live on less sleep!:

And now, some of my recent baking fun:

Baking many things at once!

Ingredients for hummus!

Oatmeal cookies with cranberry chocolate!

The finished hummus!

Mint chocolate chip cookies going in the oven...

Various salads...

My assistant!

My favourite beans!

Mini muffins!



Yum yum: Barbunya!

The mint chocolate chip cookies in the oven...

...and ready to eat!

Baking hot cross buns for the first time!

There they are, on a table set by my assistant!

More cookies!

Still more! I baked three batches!

My latest knitting project! My favourite blanket pattern.

What is one good thing that you remember from last year?

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Treats for Bloggers and Hodge Podge No. 11

I have treats!

For all you bloggers doing the Blogging From A to Z Challenge, I have some virtual goodies to share!

I also have some lovely photos, as part of my latest Hodge Podge post:

Cakes and cookies and brownies, oh my!
I used a friend's brownie recipe, but my sister's brownie recipe is also a good one!

...and now, to decorate!

A Valentine's Day shoe!

Mm, roasted almonds

Hodge Podge post No. 11!
Photos from Paris, November 2019

Love and thank you to critical care workers

An article about our village shop!

Two sweaters knit by my mother...

...and pompoms too!

Finally, here's one of Turner's painting of Thun:

What are some of your favourite paintings?